It’s not Antioch without lifegroups — the heartbeat of our church family.
Lifegroups are the heart of our church and the best way to get plugged in.
We gather in living rooms across our city and see people of all walks of life consistently coming together to live out their relationship with Jesus in the context of close relationship with others, creating space for encountering God, and discipling others.
Find the perfect fit.
Multi-life stage Lifegroup
Tuesdays @ 7 PM | SLC Valley
Demographic: Late 20’s to 30’s. Mix of individuals, couples, & families.
Leaders: Drew & Liza Whitehurst, Parker & Christy Jesme
Vision: Together we seek first the Kingdom of God, followed by obedience, life transformation, & friendship.
Families Lifegroup
Every other Wednesday @ 6 PM | Sandy, Cottonwood Heights
Demographic: Families
Leaders: Chris & Arlina Pletcher
Vision: Learning to fellowship as families and encounter God with our kids.
Young Adult Lifegroup
Thursday @ 7 PM | Murray
Demographic: Early 20’s to Early 30’s
Leaders: Saryssa Herrera & JunMin Noh
Vision: We are a group who is in constant pursuit to wholeheartedly love God, love each other, and love our city.
Multi-generational Lifegroup
2nd and 4th Tuesday / month @ 7 PM | Murray
Demographic: Anyone and everyone! For now, no children, as our home cannot accommodate.
Leaders: Thomas & Mary Mele
Vision: Sharing back and forth across the generations so we can all learn from and support each other as we learn from Jesus together.
Families Lifegroup
Sunday @ 10am or Wednesday 6pm | Murray
Demographic: Young Families
Leaders: Blake and Grace Staley
Vision: We desire to cultivate an family environment for authentic and deep friendship with Jesus and one another
Families Lifegroup
Sunday @ 10 AM (every other) | Murray
Demographic: Young Families
Leaders: Brandon & Erica Hibbard
Vision: A space for young families to find community as parents and for their kids.